Ethos Blog
Articles for Engage.Mail are generally from within a broadly Evangelical perspective. Ethos does not necessarily endorse every opinion of the authors but promotes their writing to encourage critical thought and discussion.
Writing for Engage.Mail
We are always on the lookout for new writers! If you'd like to submit an article, a review, a poem, a story or an artwork, email the editor, Armen Gakavian.
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Thursday, 31 May 2018
| Sarah Judd-Lam
Rather than condemn religion itself, or even male-dominated systems, this series highlights the power that women of faith have to influence their environment. It encourages us to use that power for good, like the rabbi who blesses the unwomen, and not for harm, like the hard-hearted Gilead matriarchs.
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Thursday, 17 May 2018
| Megan Powell du Toit
In season 2, The Handmaids Tale examines prayer in a depth often missing from Christian discussions of the topic. Real prayer has been contrasted with unprayer. Prayers we want answered seem almost mocked by God. Yet the object of prayer, Jesus, is remarkable in his absence from Gilead.
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Thursday, 17 May 2018
| Karina Kreminski
Sabbath Time is not a recipe book about ‘how to get the most you can from God during a Sabbath rest’. It offers an honest and vulnerable witness to Ringma’s experience as he openhandedly wrestles with God, finds peace, is disturbed, encounters more unanswerable questions and, finally, wonders about how he can live out a daily ‘hermitage of the heart’ after his return.
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Sunday, 13 May 2018
| Ethos editor
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from April 2018.
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Monday, 2 April 2018
| Ethos editor
Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from March 2018.
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Monday, 19 March 2018
| Anonymous
Evangelism or social engagement? Drawing on his expertise in political philosophy and an analysis of the history of Evangelicalism, Will Jones takes us beyond an either-or approach, arguing that the two form ‘a single mission which involve and interpenetrate one another’. This booklet is a call to integrate the inseparable.
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Thursday, 15 March 2018
| Karina Kreminski
What is the role of the church in a world ‘starving to death’ for the beauty of the reign of God? Based on his research, community work and ministry experience, Van Eymeren calls on the people of God to be engaged in the community in which they are placed. The book bridges theory and practice and leads us to ask: what can I do?
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Thursday, 15 March 2018
| Will Jones
Nick Spencer gives an impressive tour of important ways in which the Christian faith has shaped Western culture and values, countering the dominant secular narrative that all that we value has come about by freeing ourselves from outdated religion. On a few points, however, there may be a little more to explore.
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Thursday, 8 March 2018
| Amanda Jackson
Women in leadership in the workplace is a big issue – and the news about the gender pay gap, and women in leadership on Boards, in the Church and as CEOs is not good. How can we change this? And what would women in leadership look like?
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Wednesday, 28 February 2018
| Nils von Kalm
Corey’s journey out of fear-based faith is a hopeful one: instead of ditching his faith, he stuck with it because he found the Jesus who loves us not despite who we are, but because of who we are. And he calls us to discover this Jesus. Unafraid is powerful, hopeful and inspirational.
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