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Tuesday, 30 July 2024  | Stephen Davis

This is the country of the dispossessed

The lucky country of golden despair 

History’s shadows will never find rest

Until the wanderer finds love and care

The unquiet spirits of these boundless plains

Haunt restless earth of forest and city

Searching for freedom from tragedy’s chains

Longing for grace, compassion and pity

Brilliance and courage, strength and endurance,

The soul of this people, heart of this land,

needs offer their kindred love’s assurance

acceptance and refuge, a welcoming hand 

Justice with mercy, grace, kindness and care

Release us from bloodguilt and ruthless despair


About me: After a lifetime of various modest achievements, I have come to regard myself as simply collateral damage in the streets of Babel. Even so, I rest somewhat content. You can find my self-publishing website at


Image credit: Man walks in the outback in South Australia by Jay Wennington at Unsplash.

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