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We are always on the lookout for both emerging and experienced writers to write for Engage.Mail, the e-magazine of Ethos.

About Engage.Mail

The aim of Engage.Mail is to promote informed theological reflection on contemporary issues in Australian society, and to bring Christian perspectives into public debate. In other words, we want to help the people of God think 'Christianly' about every area of life. This means we look for contributions that connect a current issue with our faith by incorporating biblical/theological reflection into the content.

But we also want to go beyond 'issues' and promote Christian formation among our readers, by helping them develop the character and practices that will help them respond to these issues. What would a Jesus-like approach - one that is compassionate and truthful, pastoral and prophetic - look like on a particular issue? What are some first principles - e.g., faith, hope, love, patience, wisdom, truth-telling etc? What makes a Christian response distinct to (or similar to) a non-Christian one? How can we put this into practice? What spiritual disciplines can we practice to become like this?


Articles are typically 800-1,800 words. We publish:

* Short, snappy, reflective pieces

* Articles in response to current issues

* Theological reflections

* Book, CD and movie reviews

* Short stories

* Poetry

See http://www.ethos.org.au/Online-Articles/Engage-Mail and http://www.ethos.org.au/Online-Articles/Blog for samples of what we publish. We also publish longer, more in-depth articles (these should be accessible to the average reader) - see http://www.ethos.org.au/online-resources/in-depth-articles.

We send Engage.Mail to a mailing list of over 1,200 people. Our readership is quite diverse in terms of age, educational levels and theology (under the broadly evangelical umbrella), so we try to keep content as accessible as possible in terms of language and concepts etc.

Engage.Mail is published monthly so we can accept contributions at any time.

If you’d like to write for us, email the editor, Armen Gakavian, and we can take it from there.

We look forward to your contributions!


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