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Ethos Blog

Articles for Engage.Mail are generally from within a broadly Evangelical perspective. Ethos does not necessarily endorse every opinion of the authors but promotes their writing to encourage critical thought and discussion.


Writing for Engage.Mail

We are always on the lookout for new writers! If you'd like to submit an article, a review, a poem, a story or an artwork, email the editor, Armen Gakavian.


Comments by readers

Readers are encouraged to join the conversations and add their comments to the articles. Please keep comments succinct. Full (real) names are required for comments. We reserve the right not to publish or to remove remarks we judge to be aimed at antagonism or 'trolling'.

Please note: There is a delay between posting and appearance of comments on the site.


Comment Code of Conduct (based on Sojourners' code):

I will express myself with civility, courtesy, and respect for every member of the Ethos online community, especially toward those with whom I disagree — even if I feel disrespected by them. (Romans 12:17-21)

I will express my disagreements with other community members' ideas without insulting, mocking, or slandering them personally. (Matthew 5:22)

I will not exaggerate others' beliefs nor make unfounded prejudicial assumptions based on labels, categories, or stereotypes. I will always extend the benefit of the doubt. (Ephesians 4:29)

I will hold others accountable by reporting comments that violate these principles, based not on what ideas are expressed but on how they're expressed. (2 Thessalonians 3:13-15)

I understand that comments reported as abusive are reviewed by Ethos staff and are subject to removal. Repeat offenders will be blocked from making further comments. (Proverbs 18:7)



Link Highlights | August 2019

Sunday, 15 September 2019
 | Ethos editor

Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from August 2019

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Link Highlights | July 2019

Wednesday, 7 August 2019
 | Ethos editor

Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from July 2019

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Book Review: Caring For Words in a Culture of Lies

Wednesday, 3 July 2019
 | Rex Dale

Words are used to define, but are also instruments of love, healing and peace, writes Marilyn McEntyre. Yet like any other life-sustaining resource, words can be depleted, polluted, contaminated, eroded and filled with artificial stimulants. How can we guard against the abuse of language?

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Link Highlights | June 2019

Tuesday, 2 July 2019
 | Ethos editor

Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from June 2019

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Parliament, rugby and walking the line

Friday, 28 June 2019
 | John Kidson

In claiming adherence to a higher authority, ScoMo and Izzy would be judged in two 'higher' courts. But they, like all of us, are called to follow the lead given to us by Jesus, to tread carefully the fine balance between grace and truth.

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Link Highlights | May 2019

Tuesday, 4 June 2019
 | Ethos editor

Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from May 2019

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Why is this happening to me?

Wednesday, 29 May 2019
 | John Kidson

How do we answer the question: ‘Why do we suffer?’ Is there even a correct question? And does the answer change if we have terminal cancer? God doesn't want us to suffer, but suffering allows him to work out his good plan in our lives.

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Book Review: Romans Disarmed: Resisting Empire, Demanding Justice

Tuesday, 28 May 2019
 | John McKinnon

What if the Book of Romans, rather than a timeless systematic theology, is really a pastoral letter to those living at the heart of the Roman Empire that seeks to disarm the violence of that first-century power?

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Link Highlights | April 2019

Tuesday, 7 May 2019
 | Ethos editor

Highlights of links to online news and opinion pieces from April 2019

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Book Review: The Qur’an and its Biblical Reflexes – investigations into the genesis of a religion

Tuesday, 7 May 2019
 | Ian Hore-Lacy

How does the Qur’an relate to the Bible? Is there any real substance in the similarities between the two? Mark Durie argues that, though the Qur’an was clearly influenced by Judaism and Christianity, it embodies a new, distinctive theology.

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