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As Christians rally in support of refugees, a need to acknowledge the cause

Wednesday, 6 December 2017  | Mick Pope

The COP23 talks are in full swing in Bonn, Germany, and the United States is something of a pariah there as the only non-signatory to the Paris climate agreement.

While 2017 is set to be one of the top three hottest years on record, President Donald Trump’s appointments to various key environmental positions, like the EPA, demonstrate a blatant disregard for established science.

Meanwhile, Australia is making itself an international outcast by repeatedly violating international law in its treatment of refugees on Manus Island.

Both cases serve as textbook examples of failure to love our neighbour.

[You can read the rest of this article at This extract is reproduced with permission.]

Mick Pope is a meteorologist and a Professor of Environmental Mission at Missional University. He has recently written A Climate of Justice: Loving your Neighbour in a Warming World (Morning Star Publishing/Wipf and Stock, 2017). 

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