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Dimensions of Christian Spirituality and Implications for Mission

Saturday, 14 September 2024
 | Charles Ringma

The link between Christian spirituality, ministry and mission is fundamental. Christian spirituality is not just about certain meditational practices. It has to do with a whole way of life in Christ and living in the way of Christ. And this involves both prayer and the work for justice, among many other things.

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Constructing a theology of creativity: Pentecost shows a new Way

Sunday, 26 May 2024
 | Danielle Terceiro

Pentecost is God’s creativity at joyful play in community. The Holy Spirit equips the church, Jesus’ body on earth, to change the world through self-giving love that adapts itself to the other. How does a Christian theology of creativity critique our culture?

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Songs in the Desert: Psalmody, Spiritual Formation and the Desert Fathers

Tuesday, 26 March 2024
 | Bei-En Zou

In our busy, noisy, self-sufficient society, the Desert Fathers challenge us to seek healing from the Scriptures, and to allow the Psalms in particular to mould our internal emotional world and personal narrative - providing powerful and profound engagement with God in the midst of barrenness.

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Human Flourishing or the Sovereignty of Self? A biblical reflection on identity

Wednesday, 27 December 2023
 | Xin Ying Cheryl Lim

While increasing wealth, global economic development and ease of living form the pillars of human wellbeing in modern developed society, the juxtaposition of increasing mental health issues and suicide, ecological desecration and systemic oppression of the vulnerable threaten to cause these haughty foundations to come crumbling down. What does the Bible say to such a shallow, deluded and esoteric understanding of human flourishing? This paper explores how the understanding of human wellbeing in the Global North – particularly in affluent middle-class Australia – is far removed from a biblical view. It would be helpful to begin by exploring what the Bible has to say about human flourishing.

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Hearing a Generous Voice

Monday, 11 September 2023
 | Andrew Errington

We have been invited to respond to a Statement spoken from the heart by changing the Constitution. We cannot assume an invitation of such grace and hopefulness will be extended again. To vote ‘yes’ is to say that, though the proposed change may not be perfect, it is good enough; and this is the opportunity we have been given to make a change to the Constitution of Australia in response to the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

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Cultivating a plant theology for the whole world

Monday, 21 August 2023
 | Danielle Terceiro

It is time for human voices to fall a little silent and to appreciate anew our kinship with plants. In this, we have much to learn from sci-fi fiction, scientific thinking and the early church.

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Tozer meets Fénelon: a dialogue across the centuries

Tuesday, 15 June 2021
 | Rex Dale

A.W. Tozer and François Fénelon lived centuries apart. Yet both writers came to similar conclusions about challenges facing believers and showed a way through. What can we learn from them today?

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Trump abolishes reality: reflections on the ideological mechanism

Friday, 30 October 2020
 | Yarkov Halik

The Trump presidency illustrates what happens when ideology abolishes reality, when there is an absence of any fixed rules and when there is no such thing as success or failure. President Trump can do no wrong by his followers because whatever he does or says is never subject to any test of real performance - thus any kind of criticism, positive or negative, is effectively forestalled.

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Justice for Black Lives: a Biblical perspective

Wednesday, 9 September 2020
 | Yarkov Halik

The Black Lives Matter protestors have mobilised around a sense of moral outrage over the death of George Floyd at the hands of police. However an understanding of the distinction between politics and justice, law and ethics, while seemingly a subtle one, is crucial if anything beneficial is to come out of these events.

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Social distancing as theological action in the time of CoVid-19

Thursday, 27 August 2020
 | Guerin Tueno

As the world grapples with the impact of CoVid-19, the Church too has wrestled with its current practices and underlying theological framework. The pandemic is an opportunity for us to re-embrace our dual identity as alien residents, following the radical way of Christ himself and his call to agape love.

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Representing Jesus

Sunday, 6 May 2012 | 81.3 KB

Ian Barns discusses the Christian understanding of a secular societydownload pdf


New Assessment of the Lockhart Review

Sunday, 6 May 2012 | 111.8 KB

An assessment of the Lockhart Committee Review on embryo experimentation recognises the benefits of stem cell research, but argues that the Report errs in finding that the value of the human embryo is to be derived from the intention of the clinician. The assessment also includes a much broader analysis of the parameters of the whole notion of the significance of a technological approach to human lifedownload pdf


Fiction and History in the Da Vinci Code

Sunday, 6 May 2012 | 41.4 KB

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Nurturing Justice 7 (2010) September 20th

Sunday, 6 May 2012 | 0.0 KB

Nurturing Justice 7 has been revised in response to the announcement of the Prime Minister of the opportunity of a conscience vote on the matter that is raised by the Federal Government's blocking of "voluntary euthanasia" laws in the territories and states. It is further evidence of the urgent need to "nurture justice" in our own thinking about how we "do politics". How do we understand the nature and limits of party discipline, conscience votes, the representative's loyalty to electors as well as the elector's ongoing trust in our political pdf


Faith and Community 1-09 (February 2009) now on-line

Sunday, 6 May 2012 | 331.3 KB

Click the title to download the latest Faith and Community. If you would like to be notified of new editions of Faith and Community or Engage.mail, please email Ian Packer at This issue contains Australian reflections on 'prophecy and politics' and the 'Evangelical Manifesto.'download pdf


A National Agenda for Religious Freedom

Sunday, 6 May 2012 | 325.9 KB

A paper by Professor Patrick Parkinson, University of Sydney. "People of faith have numerous concerns about threats to religious freedom in Australia, both at state and federal levels, deriving from an attitude of hostility towards religious belief, morals and practice among some in the Australian population. Freedom of religion is a fundamental human right. It is guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other international instruments in the clearest and strongest terms."download pdf


Jesus for Prime Minister?

Friday, 20 August 2010 | 91.1 KB

Jarrod McKenna of World Vision and EPYC on 'the politics of Jesus'download pdf


Vote of Confidence? Problems with the Election Process and Christian Electoral Propaganda

Friday, 20 August 2010 | 147.3 KB

Gordon Preece reflects upon the election campaign and process along with critique of some Christian responsesdownload pdf


Why I Don't Vote

Wednesday, 18 August 2010 | 50.5 KB

*NEW* Simon Moyle explains why he does not votedownload pdf


The Climate Gap

Thursday, 20 May 2010 | 132.5 KB

Brian Edgar interacts with the recently released Synthesis Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and reviews a number of key 'gaps' with regard to the world's greatest environmental issue": the Emissions Gap, the Effect Gap, the Growth Gap, the Moral Gap, the Policy Gap, the Language Gap, and the Opportunity pdf


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