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Demand for prostitution is not inevitable

Monday, 11 December 2017
 | Andrea Tokaji

The gravest human right violation in our world today is slavery – and the most abhorrent form of slavery is sexual exploitation. If Australia is serious about eradicating modern day slavery and ending the exploitation of women in prostitution, it should adopt the Nordic model of removing criminal sanctions for all those who are bought and sold for sex, and support criminal sanctions for those who buy and sell others for sex.

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The Liberal Party, same-sex marriage and freedom of conscience: a case of false promises?

Monday, 23 October 2017
 | Scott Buchanan

While the Liberal Party is (marginally) more likely than the ALP to ensure religious freedom, their proposed concessions are limited only to institutional religion, with minimal concessions to those in the wedding industry. The assumptions underlying Senator Smith’s bill are riddled with false conceptions, fallacious elisions and inconsistencies. The bill fails to properly capture the meaning and scope of religion, whilst saying nothing at all about other (non-religious) forms of opposition to SSM.

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Is orientation an Evangelical argument for same-sex marriage?

Wednesday, 18 October 2017
 | Nigel Chapman

Most Evangelical discussions of same-sex marriage ignore same-sex orientation, both in politics and in theology. But if we look at orientation and marriage together, we find it doesn't match the reasons for the Bible's moral condemnations of same-sex relations. This is surprising. It illuminates our difficulties with orientation and it fundamentally changes our arguments about nature and marriage. Reexamining these arguments suggests that we should view a same sex marriage of two same-sex oriented Evangelicals as a biblical marriage, and believe that God does too.

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Review of David P. Gushee, Changing our Minds

Wednesday, 4 October 2017
 | Gordon Preece

David Gushee, like many, has changed his mind on same-sex marriage through ‘transformative encounters’. But while he engages with the pastoral and theological issues with honesty and integrity, his conclusions are flawed because they are based on an insufficiently integrated reading of Scripture that misses the foundational nature of creational sexual difference.

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God Knows: Our Beginning and End When We Don’t Know

Sunday, 24 September 2017
 | Gordon Preece

We often define people and their human dignity according to their rational and relational assets and activity, or even their relational capacity. But our dignity does not reside in any human function, or even in our knowing God, but in being known by God.

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Rescuing Revelation

Monday, 10 July 2017
 | Michael Bull

Revelation is not about the end of the world, but the end of a covenant era – the Old Covenant. Once it is understood in its historical and ‘covenant’ context, it is rescued from the obscurity of the ‘fringe’ of biblical studies and allowed to shine as one of the most insightful, enlightening and practical books of the Bible.

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Walking Backwards Down the Stairs Trying to Get Higher: Evangelical Christians and Election 2016

Monday, 5 June 2017 | 83.8 KB

While white evangelical turnout is a storyline in the 2016 Presidential election, it did not provide Trump the margin he needed to win. This credit goes to the voting bloc of white, blue-collar, largely Catholic voters, argues Dale S. pdf


Lonely Like America: Reflections on Donald Trump's First 100 Days

Saturday, 29 April 2017 | 139.5 KB

After 100 days, we have greater clarity about how Trump will govern and the mood of the country he is governing. In Donald Trump we see a man who is lonely like America, writes Dale S. pdf


Proposed changes to Section 18C

Tuesday, 11 April 2017 | 51.0 KB

The government’s recently proposed changes to Section 18C are a welcome development, writes Scott Buchanan. But this is just one of several debates around principles and philosophy from which the Coalition has tried to run, or on which it has remained frustratingly silent. And, by grounding so much of its resistance in spurious arguments, it has undermined its own political and philosophical pdf


Paying Attention to God: Liturgy in Consumer Culture

Monday, 4 April 2016 | 118.0 KB

Richard Glover argues that consumerism is a form of spirituality in which we make meaning, create identities, and participate in communities through acts of consumption. Consumerism has its own liturgical forms which shape our beliefs, actions and loves. How, then, might the spiritual disciplines of prayer and hearing God’s Word as shaped by Christian liturgies be a spiritual alternative to consumerism? download pdf


Same Sex Relationships and the Law

Sunday, 13 May 2012 | 105.2 KB

This paper was prepared by Dr Brian Edgar, formerly EA’s Director of Public Theology, in the light of the Christian responsibility to uphold both a Biblical view of marriage and a Biblical view of justice for all. It theologically evaluates the appropriateness of re-defining marriage or allowing civil unions (both deemed inappropriate) and of relationship registers which do not mimic marriage (reckoned to be one possibility out of several).download pdf


‘In the World’ But ‘Not Of the World’: Holiness, Citizenship and the Theme of 'Exile'

Monday, 7 May 2012 | 82.2 KB

Ian Packer reflects on the tension that Christians experience between the call to discipleship and the norms and pressures of the day-to-day world in which that discipleship must be lived out; with a focus on what we think politics is all pdf


2020 Summit - A Reflection

Monday, 7 May 2012 | 68.2 KB

Deborah Storie reflects upon her experience of the 2020 Summit and the extent to which change is needed in the face of our fraught histories and the complex challenges to social, ecological and individual pdf


The Gospel as Public Truth

Monday, 7 May 2012 | 26.7 KB

Brian Edgar on the value, and the dangers of ‘public theology’download pdf


The Status of Marital Status

Monday, 7 May 2012 | 79.7 KB

This paper, by Dr David Phillips, National President of the Festival of Light Australia also strongly defends the unique status of marriage. But it also takes a different point of view on certain matters. It critiques Dr Edgar’s paper and argues, amongst other things, that relationship registers establish an inappropriate, quasi-marital status for same-sex pdf


A Multicultural Vision for the Church

Monday, 7 May 2012 | 31.7 KB

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