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Tuesday, 1 July 2014
| Jim Reiher
Amidst controversy and misinformation, just what is the school chaplaincy program? Jim Reiher gives needed clarification.
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Tuesday, 1 July 2014
| Paul Tyson
There is a startling disconnect between Scott Morrison's maiden address to parliament and his implementation of current government policies regarding asylum seekers.
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Tuesday, 1 July 2014
| Peter Corney
We believe strongly in the equality and dignity of all people before God, but we also know that to maintain these values in a modern democratic society requires the opportunity and ability to defend them vigorously. And that requires a degree of freedom of speech that some people and groups may find uncomfortable.
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Monday, 30 June 2014
| Miroslav Volf and Gordon Preece
Miroslav Volf discusses malformed faith and the challenges of passing on and communicating a transformative faith today.
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Tuesday, 3 June 2014
| Charles Ringma
The ‘world’ of global Christianity has changed radically. Lesslie Newbigin called the Western Church the most culturally captive church in the history of Christianity. Charles Ringma looks for signs of hope to help us ask: what might be the shape of re-evangelization of the West?
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Monday, 2 June 2014
| Denise Cooper-Clarke
Controversy continues to surround section 8 of the Victorian Abortion Law Reform Act 2008. Some see this section as necessary to protect women’s health and the “right” to access to abortion, others see it as a dangerous and unnecessary restriction of the basic human right to freedom of conscience.
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Monday, 2 June 2014
| Brett Parris
Australia has had tough budgets before, but five factors make the 2014-15 budget a low-point in Australia’s modern history and should continue to spur Christian leaders into outspoken and courageous resistance.
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Sunday, 1 June 2014
| Miroslav Volf and Gordon Preece
Christians must practise a ‘hermeneutic of hospitality’ to those who are ‘other’, including Muslims and non-believers, argues Professor Miroslav Volf.
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Monday, 5 May 2014
| Anonymous
Freedom to critique government policy should be an inalienable right, and yet now the Federal Government wants to use the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct to mute public servants and to risk demoralising and dividing them by turning them into dobbers and spies.
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Monday, 5 May 2014
| Byron Smith
Eighteen reasons I decided to participate in a non-violent blockade of the Maules Creek open cut coal mine in rural NSW recently.
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