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Wednesday, 30 August 2023
| Tim Costello
Martin Luther King’s prophetic words to white religious leaders, written from Birmingham Jail, are a challenge to Australia’s church leaders who offer caution rather than courage on the profoundly important issues of Indigenous injustice.
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Sunday, 27 August 2023
| Anne Pattel-Gray
Australia's ‘first sin’ has never been properly or fully addressed by the churches or the ecumenical movement. But true reconciliation is costly - it can never be achieved without restitution and truth-telling. Anything less is ‘cheap grace’.
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Thursday, 27 July 2023
| Xin Ying Cheryl Lim
In modern capitalism's obsession with faster, higher and larger, the Old Testament speaks powerfully and prophetically, calling God’s people to live lives of restraint, generosity and neighbourliness. But what does this mean, exactly, in practice?
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Thursday, 22 June 2023
| Sue Edmondson
Australian historian Henry Reynolds has carried the burden of being regarded as a ratbag, and far worse, in the pursuit of truth. This book is one place to start the truth-telling hoped for in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
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Monday, 5 June 2023
| Claire Harvey
The hard truth about climate change is that we know what needs doing - and we all have a part to play. How do we turn our pain and shared suffering, our lament and anticipatory grief, into collective action that actually makes a difference?
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Tuesday, 23 May 2023
| Barbara Deutschmann
The story of Tearfund is a story of the impact of a civil society movement in tackling global problems, building a Christian witness of which the Australian church can be proud. But from the start, Tearfund Australia did more than raise and manage donations.
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Wednesday, 10 May 2023
| Claire Louise Wright
Some things are like the Tardis from Dr Who: much bigger on the inside than they look from the outside. The life of faith is one such thing. Gazing deeply into the eyes of a dog is another.
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Thursday, 20 April 2023
| Denise Cooper-Clarke
Victoria’s VAD legislation was proudly described as the safest and most conservative in the world. But strict safeguards are now framed as barriers to access, obsolete and onerous, and the ‘removal of barriers' foreshadowed by the VAD Review Board will almost inevitably mean reduced safety for the most vulnerable in our society.
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Thursday, 6 April 2023
| Glenn Loughrey
When you have been completely dispossessed of all that has meaning, you have nothing left but your body. Our body is our country. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people protest their situation tortured bodies, just as Jesus protests injustices through his body.
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Thursday, 16 March 2023
| Cameron McAdam
The woman at the well traditionally has been portrayed as a prostitute or as immoral. But a proper understanding of context suggests otherwise, and her story invites us to see ourselves and others through Jesus’ eyes of love rather than judgement - and to remember the crucial role women played in the gospels and beyond.
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