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Articles for Engage.Mail are generally from within a broadly Evangelical perspective. Ethos does not necessarily endorse every opinion of the authors but promotes their writing to encourage critical thought and discussion.


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There are slave markets in Libya – so why doesn't Australia care?

Tuesday, 28 November 2017
 | Andrea Tokaji

There are more slaves today than ever before, with slavery and trafficking of displaced persons on the rise. So why the silence about slave markets in Libya? Vulnerable communities internationally rely on democracies such as Australia to speak up for them. The moment we grow accustomed to human rights abuses internationally is the moment our international soul dies.

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Social media and engaging rightly: in conversation with Megan Powell du Toit

Monday, 27 November 2017
 | Matthew Anslow

Social media fasting is not about withdrawal, but is a way of ensuring that we master it instead of it mastering us. Fasting is necessary, not because social media is inherently bad, but because we need robust spiritual practices that ensure that we engage rightly online, as we do offline.

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Postal survey - did 'yes' really win?

Monday, 20 November 2017
 | Byron Smith

With 20.5% of eligible voters chose not to participate in an optional survey, some have suggested that the 'Yes' vote is not as decisive as it seems. But an understanding of Australian (and global) electoral history dispels any doubt that the government has a mandate to legislate for same-sex marriage.

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Same sex marriage and freedom of religion

Monday, 20 November 2017
 | Frank Brennan

Some ‘No’ advocates have been arguing that all necessary protections for freedom of religion should be inserted in the amended Marriage Act. But the issue of religious freedom goes beyond the marriage bill, and has implications for the Fair Work Act and the Sex Discrimination Act.

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Justice and righteousness

Tuesday, 14 November 2017
 | David Griffin

Justice gets good press these days. After all, who can be against justice, seeing that it lies at the heart of a good society? But justice cannot be separated from righteousness. And we need a robust biblical ethic to help us better understand what justice is - and is not.

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International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

Friday, 10 November 2017
 | Elizabeth Kendal

Every day, hundreds of millions of Christians around the world wake up to the threat of rape, beatings, murder, false accusations, arbitrary incarceration, looting and torching - simply because they are Christian. The International Day of Prayer for the persecuted Church is one important way we can respond.

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Manus Island and spiritual warfare

Monday, 6 November 2017
 | Paul Tyson

How have we become a people so fearfully protective of our (apparently threatened) ‘national sovereignty’? We are blind to the spiritual dynamics behind our smashing of the vulnerable – and ourselves – with the mother of all idolatrous sledge hammers, Mammon. But change won’t happen without sustained, courageous and intelligent spiritual warfare.

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Weinstein, Wilkinson and Whitton: addressing the injustices women face in the academy

Monday, 6 November 2017
 | Erin Martine Sessions

In the wake of recent and ongoing revelations about sexual harassment in the secular and Christian worlds, women are speaking out about sexism and demanding equal pay. But is there a connection between sexual harassment and the cultural, structural, sexual and economic injustices facing women in the academy?

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Marriage and our techno-future?

Wednesday, 1 November 2017
 | Alison Caddick

Will gay marriage lead to agitation for ‘the right’ to use whatever techno-scientific means available to produce children? The choice of sexual and procreative identity is divorced from the body and from any complex notion of the body as bio-social ground.

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Address to Synod of the Diocese of Melbourne

Friday, 20 October 2017
 | Denise Cooper-Clarke & Gordon Preece

The proposed ‘safeguards’ in Victoria’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill are inadequate, and the Bill will inevitably legitimise suicide and fundamentally change the nature of our society. It is inherently discriminatory and palliative care is a better option.

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