Dinner & Conference 2024

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Faith & Work Award Dinner and Transforming Workplace Mission Conference

Ridley College, Parkville    |    Friday 13 – Saturday 14 September 2024

Download more information here and register here

Faith & Work Award Dinner

Friday 13 September at 6:20-9:00pm

Award Winner & Speaker Kara Martin, Australian & Global Faith & Work Enabler

Kara will speak on: Wisdom and Work: How a non-Platonic Gospel can help us work wisely.

For over 40 years Kara has worked in the area of faith–work reintegration. In this talk she will address the areas of misbelief in the church that continue to impact on an integrated vision for our work as the church scattered.


6:20pm Drinks, Aperitives
Book Launch: Transforming Work: Missiological Perspectives
for the Church in the World, 
edited by Drs Darren Cronshaw,
Steve Taylor and Maggie Kappelhoff

7:00pm Two course dinner & drinks & Award Address

The dinner is sponsored by:

Book your Dinner and/or Conference tickets 


Transforming Workplace Mission Conference

Saturday 14 September at 9am-5pm

Many of us have an inkling that our daily labours fall short of God’s purposes for us. It’s time that God’s people grapple with how we shape, enable and support everyday Christians to faithfully reflect God’s work in their daily challenges and joys in shifting work cultures. This conference invites you – lay and clergy – to bring your stories and struggles for this purpose. Collaborating in keynotes, workshops and panel discussions, we will start to strategise ways for making ‘the Word of God fully known’ through our daily work.


Rev. Dr Gordon Preece is Director of Ethos, including the Australasian Religious Press Association's Best Publication Zadok Perspectives, and Chair, Melbourne Anglican Diocese SRC. He is former Director of three university professional ethics centres, Lead Minister of two Anglican parishes, Director of Urban Seed homelessness ministry and Senior Policy Officer, Catholic Social Services Victoria. His twelve books include Changing Work Values, Marketplace Ministry (Lausanne) and The Viability of the Vocation Tradition.

Kara Martin is a lecturer at Mary Andrews College, Adjunct Professor with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary visiting Fellow with its Mockler Center for Faith & Ethics. She is author of Workship I: How to Use your Work to Worship God and Workship II: How to Flourish at Work. Kara is co-author of Keeping Faith: How Christian organisations can stay true to Jesus; and is co-editor of Transforming Vocation: Connecting Theology, Church, and the Workplace. Kara mentors workplace Christians, and she and her husband also run a home maintenance franchise. You can also listen to her on the Worship on the Way to Work podcast.

Participating Bishop

Bishop Geneve Blackwell







Keynote Speaker - Rev Dr Gordon Preece


Bridging the Gaps in Faith & Work (Global & Local)


Morning Tea



Workshop 1

Embedding workplace mission in Church DNA - Gordon Preece

Workshop 2 Exploring lifelong vocational guidance - Claire Harvey

Workshop 3

Bivocationality & workplace Christian networks - Angus Monro

Workshop 4

Beyond burnout: from rest to work - Andrew Laird

Workshop 5

Faith & wisdom in a business world of risk & compromise - Chris White, Deborah Upton & co.

Workshop 6

Weekday community chaplaincy: juggling workplace & home - Kim Messieh

Workshop 7

Engaging unions seeking worker justice & wellbeing - John Bottomley, Brendan Byrne


Workers panel: fruitfulness on the frontline


Sponsor spot: MAF


Episcopal reflection




Keynote Speaker - Kara Martin


Take Your Worship to Work, and Your Work to Worship


Churches panel: Discipling for workplace mission & ministry


Sponsor spot: EAI


Afternoon Tea


Strategy Forum


Summation & Reflections


Close & Benediction

Book your Dinner and/or Conference tickets here.

The conference is sponsored by:



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